Nick Finnigan, Edinburgh Castle’s Executive Manager, was presented with the gold award, the Oscar equivalent in the travel Industry.
He said: “This is a great honour.
Edinburgh Castle is home to the Scottish Crown Jewels, which are amongst the oldest regalia in Europe, and the Stone of Destiny; however, it is also a fantastic venue for events ranging from rock concerts through to spectacular firework displays at the end of the Edinburgh Festival and New Year, bringing something for everyone to enjoy.
“We are always looking for ways to improve the visitor experience and attract visitors from all around the world. Our costumed performers bring history to life and we have just had a re-enactment of the 1650 siege when Oliver Cromwell invaded Scotland and captured Edinburgh Castle, complete with grand parades of English and Scottish troops, the massive thunder of musket volleys and the roar of cannons.
“We are now getting ready for a busy Christmas at the castle and have lots of fun activities planned for all the family.”
The One O’Clock Gun has been fired almost every day from Edinburgh Castle since 1861 and St Margaret’s Chapel, the oldest building in Edinburgh, is one of the most romantic places to get married.
BTA’s chief executive Lorraine Barnes Burton said: “The British Travel Awards are widely considered to be the “Oscars” of the travel industry! It’s the largest awards programme in the UK created to reward travel companies, and the winning accolade is the benchmark for excellence when it comes to finding out who really is the best in the business of travel for the UK consumer.”
Companies were nominated by travel industry professionals and a selection of the previous year’s consumer voters. In 2010, over 120,000 votes were cast with the results scrutinized and audited by Deloitte LLP.